Salongen 1939 med Britas porträtt, målat av Dardel.
Modellen är i skala 1:200.
Den kan förstoras för att göras lättare att bygga eller för att passa
i exempelvis en modelljärnvägsanläggning.
Ladda ned modellen som pdf-fil genom att
högerklicka på klipparksbilden till höger och "spara som"
till din egen dator.
The model is in scale 1:200. It means you could enlarge
it and make it a bit easier to build.
125% makes N-scale. (1:160)
230% makes HO.scale (1:87)
But you have to use thicker card for the parts that should be laminated..
If someone thinks the model is too big, he or she could rescale it 80%
down to 1:250. But to most of us, the model is hard enough to build as it

Download the model as a pdf-file by rightclicking the picture above and
"save as".
Please observe that you are allowed to download the file for
non-commercial personal use only. You may link to this site, but you are
not allowed to present any of BILDRUMs models as downloadable from your
own or anybody elses web site or other media.
Thanks to Anne Gass, you can also download a less kB and ink consuming
version of the model.. Right click the door and "save as".